Personality Planners are designed to help college students improve their time management skills in order to dedicate more time to their self care routine. Each planner is modeled off of the user’s personality type and the category in which their personality falls under (Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels and Explorers) in order to make the best fit possible. Users begin by taking a personality quiz on the 16 personalities website, the quiz is based on the Myers-Briggs Test. After completing the quiz, they choose the planner that correlates with their personality type. Each planner has different types of organization sheets, customized for that personality type’s structural needs.

Click the picture to view the planner.

Analysts are Intuitive and Thinking personality types. Since Analysts are people who are known for their thinking abilities, it is important for them to exercise those skills. Each month they will be asked some questions that will help them to improve their thinking abilities.

Click the picture above to view the planner.

Diplomats are Intuitive and Feeling personality types. Since Diplomats are people who are known for their feelings, it is important for them to keep track of their feelings. Each month the planner will include a mood tracker, for the Diplomats to keep track of their feelings.

Click the picture above to view the planner.

Sentinels are Observant and Judging personality types. Since Sentinels are people who are known for their judging trait, it is important for them to practice their judgement skills. Each month they will have this sheet that helps them plan ahead with situations or whatever else they need to plan. 

Click the picture above to view the planner.

Explorers are Observant and Prospecting personality types. Since Explorers are people who are known for their prospecting trait, it is important that they practice their decision making skills. Each month they will have a new pros and cons list that they can weigh out their decisions to make the process become easier for them over time.
Below you can find my process book, just click the image to view.
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